Business world is no different: any seasoned professional knows it's equally hard to break away from the traditional approaches, concepts and practices when it comes to deriving value in more and more complex, competitive and globalized market place. In some cases, it's the inertia of the large, traditionally run company. In others, it's the aversion to the risks a change may bring.
Êvelocity's principals have accumulated a wealth of experience, successfully performing in various management roles and completing development projects on three continents, across several industries, ranging from financing, building and operating power plants in emerging markets; to streamlining finance processes at a multinational vertically integrated mining&metals conglomerate; to acquiring and integrating industrial companies in Europe and Latin America; to developing regional strategies for a world's FMCG leader and overcoming currency controls restrictions hindering multinational operations in an Eastern European market.
If you've got your mind set on a new concept development or a business transformation, let us be your Mission Control.
It's no coincidence that the name of our company is tied to a place directly related to the everlasting human aspiration of going farther and pushing boundaries. We are headquartered in Houston, TX – less than an hour drive from Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, the home to NASA's Apollo lunar mission control and the U.S. space exploration program.
Êvelocity is derived from "escape velocity" – a term defined in physics as a speed needed to break free from the gravitational pull of a massive body. Any space scientist can attest to the complexity of the effort to break the bonds holding us back from exploring new horizons – all you have to do to comprehend that level of sophistication is take a look at the real-size Saturn V rocket on display at JSC.